Bug Chicks

Kristie Reddick and Jessica Honaker are The Bug Chicks! They each have masters degrees in entomology and want everyone to learn about the awesome world of bugs. Learn about the basics of insect anatomy, why spiders are the way they are, and some of the Olympians of the insect world. For more information about the Bug Chicks, go to: http://www.facebook.com/thebugchicks and http://www.thebugchicks.com.


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CLICK HERE for Bug Chicks Episode 1Bug Chicks
In the first episode they introduce what makes an insect an insect. A short, fun educational video that promotes learning about the awesome world of bugs. Designed for use in the 2nd-4th grade classroom. Includes a Bug Chicks Remix Challenge assignment at the end.

CLICK HERE for Bug Chicks Episode 2
The second episode is devoted to spiders! and there's a special guest appearance by Ava, the Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula. A short, fun educational video that promotes learning about the awesome world of bugs. Designed for use in the 2nd-4th grade classroom. Includes a Bug Chicks Remix Challenge assignment at the end.

CLICK HERE for Bug Chicks Episode 3
In this episode, the Bug Chicks are comparing strength, eating, and jumping talents with bugs! A short, fun educational video that promotes learning about the awesome world of bugs. Designed for use in the 2nd-4th grade classroom. Includes a Bug Chicks Remix Challenge assignment at the end.

CLICK HERE for Bug Chicks Episode 4
In this episode, The Bug Chicks explain what makes a good garden and the three tactics flowers use to attract insect pollinators.  This short, fun educational video promotes learning about the awesome world of bugs. Designed for use in grades 2 through 4.  Includes a Bug Chicks Remix Challenge assignment at the end.

CLICK HERE for Bug Chicks Episode 5
In Mission: Pollination, The Bug Chicks explain how pollination works with a fun cartoon and they visit cool locations  to look at lesser known insect pollinators!  This short, fun educational video promotes learning about the awesome world of bugs. Designed for use in the 2nd – 4th grade classroom.  Includes a Bug Chicks Remix Challenge assignment at the end.

CLICK HERE for the Fly Guys Pollinator Song
The Bug Chicks unofficially designate International Lesser Known Pollinator Appreciation Day and introduce some very special guests – the Fly Guys! 

Check out these other videos for use in your classroom:

  • CLICK HERE for the butterfly dance performed by Chikawa (English)
  • CLICK HERE for the butterfly dance performed by Chikawa (Spanish)
  • CLICK HERE for Woodsy Owl's Rubbish Rot Rap
  • CLICK HERE for "Dr. Bug's" PollinatorLIVE dance and song